Governor Newsom Unveils the Launch of the Fresno K-16 Collaborative

Governor Gavin Newsom delivered keynote remarks at the 2019 California Economic Summit in Fresno today, addressing hundreds of private, public, and civic leaders from across California’s diverse regions. Attendees gathered to highlight regional approaches to growing the economy, improving environmental quality, and advancing equity.
The Governor discussed initiatives to strengthen economic growth and inclusion across California communities, and his Administration’s commitment to inland regions through the work of his Regions Rise Together initiative.
“By many measures, California’s economy is booming. We are the fifth largest economy in the world. We are leaders in everything from manufacturing to technology to trade. We see more businesses start here than anywhere else in America – including many that go on to become industry leaders thanks to our innovative spirit, world-class colleges and universities, state-of-the-art labs, and a truly diverse workforce,” said Governor Newsom. “But this growth is not shared across the entire state – it’s heavily concentrated along our coast. Growth must mean inclusion and inclusion means ensuring that the Central Valley and Inland Empire get the resources and attention from state leaders necessary to strengthen economic opportunity. That’s why I’m here today.”
The Governor also announced the launch of the Integrated K-16 Collaborative, a project based in Fresno that will take an innovative approach to improve student experience and create opportunities for success. The project will increase educational attainment and economic mobility by building an efficient path for students in the region, from 9th grade through college, to graduation, and into jobs in high-wage, high-growth sectors.

The Governor’s Council for Career Education is working to empower all Californians – youth and adult learners alike – to discover, prepare for, and connect to careers.