Intersegmental Working Group on Student Basic Needs
Convened by the Governor’s Council for Post-Secondary Education, the Working Group is tasked with developing a cost-effective, intersegmental statewide and/or regionalized approach—supported by concrete policy recommendations—that will help students in public colleges and universities meet their basic needs.
Working Group Charge
The Working Group was established in August 2021 and tasked with building upon, rather than duplicating, the significant body of work analyzing the basic needs challenges that face California students, with the goal of positioning the segments to use existing research to take immediate action. The brief at right features 20 recommendations from the Working Group that focus on streamlining supports, reducing barriers, and maximizing uptake of publicly available resources and services. The recommendations are organized by opportunities to strengthen basic needs support through intersegmental, regional, and state-level partnerships.
Working Group Leadership
The California Intersegmental Working Group on Student Basic Needs was established by Governor Gavin Newsom’s Senior Policy Advisor for Higher Education, Dr. Lande Ajose, in consultation with the Governor’s Council on Post-Secondary Education. The Working Group is composed of representatives from the University of California, California State University, California Community Colleges, the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities, and each of the respective statewide student organizations. The California Intersegmental Working Group on Student Basic Needs is chaired by Tanya Moore, PhD, Managing Partner for Intersecting Lines, LLC.
Facilitator and Managing Partner for Intersecting Lines, LLC
Student, UCLA
Director, Student Mental Health & Well-being Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs, UC Office of the President
Associate Vice Chancellor of Health, Well-Being, and Safety, UC Riverside
Basic Needs Initiative Manager, CSU Office of the Chancellor
Vice President of Student Affairs, CSU Fullerton
Vice President of Systemwide Affairs, California State Student Association (CSSA)
Executive Vice Chancellor, Educational Services, CCC Chancellor’s Office
President, San Diego Mesa College
Student, Sacramento City College

The Governor’s Council for Career Education is working to empower all Californians – youth and adult learners alike – to discover, prepare for, and connect to careers.